Summit County, Leadville, Carbondale & Aspen
"It is hard to put into words how Taekwondo has changed my life. When I started Taekwondo it was to be with my boys, who were training and to be able to compete again. Through Taekwondo I have become a better person. I really believe in the tenets of Taekwondo for without the belief in the tenets you are just doing movements. In all aspects of my life, job, marriage, friendships, and family I am aware of how the tenets have helped me become a better person. Master Cavins says we are all one mind, body and spirit. This is a huge challenge and goal to strive for, a life time journey."
"Master Cavins has successfully taught my son from the very beginning white belt level to his first black stripe on his red far! He has also taught so much more than that, however. He has taught my son respect, thoughtfulness for himself and others and inner strength through the last five years. This has been especially valuable for him and our family as my son needed meaningful guidance due to difficult family situations. Master Cavins connected with my son, as he does with all his students, and gave him the
personal attention, discipline, and instruction he needed not only for Tae Kwon Do, but for life lessons. He does it with kindness, caring and ispiration. I couldn’t think of a better instructor, role model or human being to influence and instruct my son than he. My son and I are forever grateful and appreciate the energy and the person that composes Master Sean Cavins."
"What T.K.D. has done for me. When I first met Master Cavins I told him I don’t want to test or do any belt changes. I just wanted to learn self defense. I grew up in an abusive environment and got beat on a lot as a child. I never defended myself. I was probably the worst student he ever encountered. I literally would not get close to my opponent and I would not execute moves with conviction. However Master Cavins gave me enough encouragement that I never thought to stop. Although I missed many testings due to other commitments, I am now a green belt with one stripe. At my last testing I was nominated for the trophy. I cannot begin to explain all the changes T.K.D. has guided me through. It’s as if I grew out of my old scared, weak skin and have grown strong and confident. Every aspect of my life has been changed because of it. It is my most favorite thing to do and I can feel my Chi when I train. If not for the strength and kindness of Master Cavins I would of dropped out long ago. He and T.K.D. are directly responsible for my mental fortitude and for making my world a better place."
"In today’s society, there are many negative influences on our Youth. At times as a parent, I question my sometimes seemingly selfish reasons for bringing a child into this world; at times, it is even downright frightening to raise a child in this day and age. However, Master Sean Cavins and his wife have brought a bright ray of hope into my world through Sahn Tae Kwon Do here in Summit County. My son was 9 years old when he started attending classes in the Fall of 2005, and the change in him has been very positive. He is learning responsibility; Master and Mrs. Cavins stressed the importance of his uniform and taught him how to fold it, store it and treat if properly. This skill was transferred to home where he folds his own clothes. He is more focused; in fact, so focused that he practiced his forms every night while we were on vacation over Spring Break - in Mexico! Even after a full day in the sun and the sand when he was exhausted, he remained focused on his forms. When I asked him what he likes most about Tae Kwon Do, he replied "doing the forms; it’s fun!" Master Cavins sets high expectations, promotes discipline and commands respect, yet he does it in a way that makes it fun. It’s a rare gift, and one Master Cavins has (excuse the pun) mastered. I observe a higher level of respect from my son since he has been involved with Master Cavins; not only for adults, his peers and his ‘things’ but also for another culture.
Lastly, my son has gained the confidence to ‘compete’ - which is new for him - both with others in his peer group and also within himself. He pushes himself to do better, and I can only attribute the high standards to Master Cavins guidance and leadership.
What have I observed as a parent about Master Cavins? He is passionate - about his profession and his students; he cares deeply about each and every one of them. He ‘walks the talk’ by setting a very positive example both in the ‘classroom’ and in public. And last but certainly not least, Master Cavins is authentic, which is rare.
Due to Master and Mrs. Cavins’ influence, I now have hope that my son will have a positive impact on this world. For this, I simply say "Thank you" and may you continue the important work that you do for the future of our world."